Frequently Asked Questions
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about social justice, and about working towards ending oppressions. I think that every person who works for justice even in the smallest way makes a difference. Maybe they don’t see it, but it’s there. I am passionate about family, including chosen family and community. I think that humans are gregarious creatures and spiritual life is best grown in community. I am passionate about authenticity. I wish that more people would allow themselves to be vulnerable, to not fear failing or revealing too much of themselves. I am also passionate about rest and joy and beauty. These are necessary to survive.
In one sentence, could you explain your theology?
There is a Love holding and connecting all.
Why are you UU?
Because this is a faith that saved my life, that taught me the joy of community and the fire of commitment.
Are your references available?
Yes, upon request.
How can we contact you?
Through my email, strupia@uuma.org